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After graduating from the University of Sheffield with a BSc(Hons) in Biomedical Science in 2019, I went on to complete an MSc in Human Anatomy with Education from the University of Sheffield. During this time, I also demonstrated anatomy through dissection, prosection and small group activities for the undergraduate biomedical science students. From this work, I received recognition of my good teaching practice by being awarded Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

After graduating in 2020, I joined the anatomy team at the University of Birmingham where I taught across a number of different undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including medicine, dentistry, biomaterials, pharmacy and biomedical science. There I took part in both prosection based teaching in the lab and running online interactive sessions for students. These classes proved challenging with the moving of anatomical teaching into an online environment, due to the pandemic. To combat this I pursued an area of developing creative and active learning methodologies such as drawing and model-making in order to help students ability to learn from home. This is something I have continued to explore and develop into resources that can support students understanding within face-to-face classes.

I joined HARC (Human Anatomy Resource Centre) at the University of Liverpool in 2021 where I began teaching on the BSc Human Anatomy and PGCert Clinical Anatomy with Education programmes, alongisde medical, dental and allied healthcare professional students. Currently I provide support in the lab, as well as in lectures and seminars, with my main responsibility leading the development and running of the anatomy content for the new Graduate Entry Medicine programme starting August 2024.

In February 2024, I started a part-time PhD titled: MRI connectivity and disconnection in refractory focal epilepsy, which I am carrying out alongisde my teaching role. My supervisors are: Prof. Simon Keller, Prof. Nathan Jeffery and Prof. Tony Marson.