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I currently work in Prof. Roy Goodacre's group within the Centre for Metabolomics Research, where I lead NERC Environmental Omics Facility (NEOF) collaborator projects. I utilise Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in thermal desorption, headspace and direct injection, as well as Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. My work involves a wide variety of different sample types and projects, including untargeted, semi-targeted and targeted approaches.
I am also involved in a CRUK project investigating glioma tumour diagnosis stratification and diagnosis, and a PDRA within the multi-omics Liverpool Shared Research Facilities.

I obtained my PhD from Imperial College London in 2019, where I worked on developing Rapid Evaporation Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) and applying the technique to novel applications under the supervision of Prof. Zoltan Takats. My thesis was based on the technical and method development of an automated REIMS platform and its application to identifying lipid biomarkers in clinical urinary tract infections. This work was conducted in partnership with Waters Wilmslow, Waters Research Centre Budapest and the Imperial College Healthcare microbiology department at Charing Cross Hospital.
In 2011 I was awarded a first class integrated MBiolSci from the University of Liverpool, where I studied microbiology.

My research interests are centred around the identification of biomarkers for infection and disease using mass spectrometry.