Why is EDIW in research important?

There are numerous reasons why EDIW in research is important.

  • Morally it is the right thing to do
  • Legal obligations prohibit direct and indirect discrimination.

Good for your reputation and success:

  • Required by UKRI and other funders
  • Increasingly required by publishers
  • Required by the Office for Students (e.g., PhD students; undergraduate/Masters project students; summer studentships; outreach)
  • REF2028 will assess people, culture and environment
  • Improved reputation with the general public
  • Improved international reputation
  • Attracts the best staff and students from an international pool.

Good for the research culture:

  • Equality of opportunity and equitable approaches contribute to a diverse and inclusive culture
  • Diverse collaborations and team members = diverse ideas
  • Inclusive culture = improved productivity and retention (staff and students)
  • Reduced time lost to staff sickness
  • Reduced student suspension of studies
  • Inclusive cultures improve team work and increase the standards of research
  • Reduced claims of bullying and harassment.

EDI in the research strategy:

  • Increases benefits to society, the environment and industry
  • Higher research impact increases reputation
  • Increased reputation increases funding and publishing opportunities
  • Increases understanding.

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