EDIW and partnerships

Research is a hugely collaborative endeavour, not only with the immediate team members, but with multiple internal (within research institutions) and external collaborators.

Inclusive collaborations and partnerships offer an opportunity for every research team to tap into diverse talent. They may also help us learn from other organisations about best practices in addressing EDIW-specific challenges. 

Ensuring that your collaborators, partners and their organisations have policies and high standards regarding EDIW helps further strengthen your research and team, while pushing forward the entire system to improve. Combined with reflecting on our own policies and practices, this reinforces our commitment to EDIW as researchers and researcher teams, as well as demonstrating high standards and expectations. 

Partnership Checklist 

  • How diverse are your partnerships e.g., gender, age, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, culture, caring responsibilities, socioeconomic background? 
  • How do you find new collaborators? 
  • How do you network and socialise with potential collaborators? Is this in an inclusive environment at an inclusive time? 
  • How do you work with collaborators e.g., time, venue, order or names on papers? 

Further to the considerations outlined above for individual research projects, there are also examples of institutional collaborations focusing on EDIW, which can prompt reflections on how similar approaches could be applied at different scales i.e. research projects.

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