Engage Watermark Survey
Please share your thoughts on Faculty support for Public Engagement.
University of Liverpool – Faculty of Health and Life Sciences has applied for an Engage Watermark which is assessed and awarded by the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE).
Acting in a similar way to a charter mark - the Engage Watermark is an award granted to organisations recognising their support for public engagement and a commitment to improve the support offered by the institution. FHLS will be the first Faculty at the University to apply for a Watermark
We would be grateful if you would complete the following survey to share how well you think the Faulty supports public engagement - Watermark Survey: University of Liverpool – Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | NCCPE
Your feedback will help inform the level of award granted to the Faculty, as well as providing useful information to improve the Faculty’s support for public engagement.
The survey is open to all academic, research and professional services staff and all students at PG level in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. It is really important that we hear from people from across the Faculty, and we would really appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.
Public engagement is defined as the many ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public and includes 'civic' or 'community' engagement. It includes activities such as running workshops for school students, taking part in a science fair or festival, giving a public talk etc. and you can find more about the Faculty’s support for public engagement here - Public Engagement | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | University of Liverpool
This survey looks at support for public engagement, which sits separately to the support provided for Public and Patient Involvement (which is research being carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public).
The survey is open until Friday 21st February. If you have any queries about the survey, please contact HLSEngagement@liverpool.ac.uk. If you would prefer to speak to someone who was not directly involved in the organisation of the survey, please email nccpe.enquiries@uwe.ac.uk