Getting on your nerves

This is an activity in which children learn about the functions of different areas of the brain. It is suitable for ages 7 and above. It is designed to be run in a science festival environment.


  • Swimming caps
  • Activity cards
  • Poster showing areas of the brain
  • Disinfectant wipes.

Setting up:

  • Put the poster on a poster board
  • Make sure that the swimming caps are wiped clean before any child tries them on
  • Organise the activity cards into sets of six.

Running the activity:

  1. Start by asking the children what they know about the brain – where is it, what does it do? Are they aware that different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions?
  2. Show the children the poster. Depending on age and experience, tell them the names of the different brain regions, or simply point out where the major brain regions are.
  3. Explain that each region of the brain is responsible for various tasks and behaviours – movements, hearing, tasting, feeling, touching and speaking.
  4. Make one of the children or an adult wear the swimming cap.
  5. Give the children the activity cards, and explain that each picture represents one function of the brain.
  6. The children must try to stick the cards to the right magnet on the swimming cap. Direct them to the poster if they are stuck, for hints.
  7. Once the child has stuck on all the magnets correctly, remove the cap and wipe it with a disinfectant wipe.

Top tips:

  • If the children are struggling, direct them towards the coloured spots on the brain on the poster – you will find that the colours on the activity cards match these!
  • Children can do this activity with a friend, and take turns wearing the cap, otherwise, a parent or a volunteer can wear the cap.

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