Build a vaccine

This is an activity in which children learn about types of vaccines and have a go at making one using jelly beans. It is suitable for ages 7 and above. It is designed to be run in a science fair or classroom environment.


  • Syringes, petri dishes, and tweezers
  • Jelly beans
  • Wet wipes
  • Information sheets/posters
  • Vaccine certificates.

Setting up:

  • Put the jelly beans in the petri dishes
  • Lay the information sheets visibly across the table
  • Put the poster on a poster board

Running the Activity:

  • Start by asking the children what they know about vaccines – what are they, what are they for, what types exist?
  • Explain at an appropriate level what vaccines are, and mention some diseases they offer protection against
  • Explain that vaccines not all vaccines are the same. They can be live-attenuated, inactivated, or subunit/conjugate. Refer to the information sheets and poster for more details
  • Let the child choose the type of vaccine they want to make, and hand them a syringe and a pair of tweezers
  • The children can follow the instructions for a specific vaccine (for example rotavirus), or make their own. When the child is done, write the type of vaccine they made and the disease it protects against on a certificate for the child to take home, along with the vaccine itself.

Top tips:

  • Avoid making a mess by letting the children pick jellybeans, one at a time, with tweezers from the petri dishes
  • The children can follow the instructions to make a specific vaccine, or make their own vaccine to protect against a disease of their choosing.

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