Pint of Science

Do you carry out research, like pints and think you can give an interesting talk about your work to the public, in a pub? Then we want to hear from you.

Pint of Science is an annual festival which takes place in cities across the world in May, and sees brilliant researchers chat about their latest work, with the public. This year the festival is planned to take place in person and will run from Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th May 2024.

This is the seventh year of Pint of Science Liverpool and all our previous in-person events have sold out, with over 500 members of the public attending and over 90 staff and students taking part annually!

We are looking for staff or postgraduate students from the University of Liverpool, with ideas for fun and engaging talks to take part in Pint of Science 2024. No previous experience of taking part in a similar event is required, the event is open to staff/postgraduate students from all faculties, and we can offer you support with developing your talk.

If you have taken part in a previous Pint of Science event, you are very welcome to apply to take part again, we would just ask that your talk is different from the one previously presented.

The aim of the events is to share with the public the latest issues being tackled and questions being answered in labs and universities, in an interesting and accessible way.

In Liverpool, the Pint of Science Festival will run in four city centre pubs over three days. Each pub will host talks on one of the themes of the festival:

Please do not worry if your research doesn't fit into these themes. We curate the individual nights to reflect the content, the themes are set by Pint of Science and allow for broad grouping. We are happy to hear about ALL research. If you are worried your research doesn't fit, please get in touch at

  • Atoms to Galaxies - physics, chemistry, maths, astronomy, engingeering, electrical, technology
  • Beautiful Mind - neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry
  • Our Body - medicine, human biology, health, geosciences, plant sciences, zoology
  • Our Society - law, history, politics, policy, languages, management.

There are two ways you can get involved - either by being an event speaker or taking part in Shots of Science.

Event speakers (open to everyone at postgraduate level and above)

  • We are looking for people to give a talk about their research that links broadly to one of the above themes (but don’t worry if it doesn’t!) and is aimed at an audience who have an interest in knowing what’s going on in research, but who do not necessarily have a background in it. Your talk should last no longer than 20 minutes. You can use PowerPoint and are also encouraged to incorporate demonstrations and/or interactive elements in to your talk, where possible. People who are selected to speak will be invited to deliver their talk at one of the pubs on one evening of the festival.

Shots of Science (open to all early career researchers and Masters/PhD students)

  • We are looking for Early Career Researchers to give a 2-3 minute talk about their work at one of the Pint of Science events. You’ll be challenged to explain your research in just a couple of minutes without using PowerPoint and will be competing to be crowned Top of the Shots on the night and get your hands on some Pint of Science prizes
  • Everyone who is invited to give a talk or take part in Shots of Science will also be invited to attend an Advanced Presentation Skills workshop.  This special session, tailored to the people who take part, will support you in developing your public speaking skills to a new level. It's led by Dr Steve Cross, a public speaker, event host and stand-up comedian, and will look at everything from how to tailor your talk to a specific audience, to how to stop PowerPoint ruining the idea you were trying to get across
  • Steve is the founder of Bright Club and Science Showoff and has helped hundreds of researchers to develop their public engagement skills, including developing some of the newest stars of science communication.

If you are interested in taking part in Pint of Science Liverpool 2024, please complete the online application form by 5pm on Friday 2nd February.

There are a limited number of spaces in the programme so applications will be shortlisted and we will let applicants know whether their talk has been selected for the festival by early March.

If you have any questions, please contact the FHLS Public Engagement team on:

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