Dear first year me

If you could go back and do it all over again would you change anything? Here, some of our graduates look back at their time at the University and think about what they would tell their first-year self.

Ana Ghaffari Moghaddam Ana Ghaffari Moghaddam

Ana Ghaffari Moghaddam

Ana Ghaffari Moghaddam is a final year LLB Law student. Here, Ana looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Victoria Marquis Diaz Victoria Marquis Diaz

Victoria Marquis Diaz

Victoria Marquis Diaz is a final year BA Marketing with Year in Industry student. Here, Victoria looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Ryan Grant

Ryan Grant

Ryan Grant is a final year Aerospace Engineering student. Here, Ryan looks back at his time at the University and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.

Jacob Bloor Jacob Bloor

Jacob Bloor

Jacob Bloor is a final year medic who is currently working as a foundation doctor at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Here, Jacob looks back at his time at the University and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.

Abbie McCarrick Abbie McCarrick

Abbie McCarrick

Abbie McCarrick is a final year MPhys Theoretical Physics student. Here, Abbie looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Alastair Telfer Alastair Telfer

Alastair Telfer

Alastair Telfer is a final year BA Business Management with a Year in Industry student. Here, Alastair looks back at his time at the University and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.

Helen Elsworth Helen Elsworth

Helen Elsworth

Helen Elsworth is a final year BSc Tropical Disease Biology student. Here, Helen looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Olivia Olujohungbe Olivia Olujohungbe

Olivia Olujohungbe

Olivia Olujohungbe is a final year medic. Here, Olivia looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Victoria Simpson Victoria Simpson

Victoria Simpson

Victoria Simpson is a final year medic who is joining the Royal Liverpool hospital as a junior doctor. Here, Victoria looks back at her time at the University and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Charlotte A girl standing in front of a city skyline.

Charlotte Peach

Charlotte is a Class of 2024 BA History graduate. Here, she looks back at her time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Mazi A student wearing a baseball cap and smiling.

Mazi Pachisa

Mazi is a Class of 2024 BSc Computer Science graduate. Here, he looks back at his time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.

Grace A student sitting and smiling.

Grace Spencer

Grace is a Class of 2024 BA Communication and Media with a Year in Industry student. Here, she looks back at her time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what she would tell her first-year self.

Marc A student smiling on a bench.

Marc Beepath

Marc is a Class of 2024 BSc Computer Science graduate. Here, he looks back at his time at the University of Liverpool and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self.