This page provides information about your certificate presentation and how to order a certified or replacement copy of your certificate.
Certificate presentation
Graduates will receive a hard copy of their award certificate at their graduation ceremony. Any graduates post December 2018 can also use our Award Documents Portal to view and send their award documentation electronically.
You cannot collect your degree certificate before graduation. You will either be issued with your degree certificate in person when you graduate, or if you choose to graduate in absentia, you will be sent your certificate after the event.
If you are graduating in absentia in July 2024, your certificate will be dispatched by the end of August 2024.
Name format on certificate
Your name will be printed in the commemorative Graduation Ceremony Programme and on your certificate in the following way:
- First Name(s), Middle Name(s), Surname/Family Name. This legal naming convention cannot be changed
If your full name appears incorrectly in the Graduation portal, when completing your booking, you must ensure that you contact the Graduation Ceremonies Team as soon as you can by emailing gradenq@liverpool.ac.uk. You may need to provide supporting evidence of your legal name (eg a passport or birth certificate) so please have this to hand when you contact the team.
Please note that in the UK, official documentation is produced in first name, middle name(s) and then surname/family name order. This naming convention cannot be changed.
Please reach out to the graduation team if your name contains the following:
- Single letters: We do not normally permit initials to be displayed on your degree certificate. If your name contains single letters, please tell us (gradenq@liverpool.ac.uk) and provide supporting documentation when you do so.
- Special characters: If your name contains any accented or special characters please let us know (gradenq@liverpool.ac.uk) so we can present your name correctly on your degree certificate. Please note that we will make every effort to accommodate accented or special characters, but in rare cases it may not be possible to do so.
Ordering a certified copy or replacement of your certificate
If you owe outstanding programme fees to the University, we will not prepare your documents until your account has been cleared. We will always inform you if there is a problem with your account.
There can only be one original certificate in existence at any one time.
If you require a certified copy of your degree certificate, please provide one photocopy of your document which will be certified as a true copy by the University.
Certificate type | Cost | Delivery costs (per consignment) |
Certified copy | £10.00 |
The fee covers the cost of standard mail/airmail, although you may request your documents to be delivered by DHL courier:
Replacement | £30.00 |
The fee covers the cost of standard mail/airmail, although you may request your document to be delivered by DHL courier
You may request your copy (or copies) by using our online payment service. The University accepts all major UK credit and debit cards.
During this process, you will be asked to provide the following information:
- Your full name at the time of your study
- Student ID number (if known)
- Date of birth
- Date of award (month and year)
- Type of degree (eg BA, MSc, PhD)
- Classification attained (if applicable)
- Programme title (eg Business Studies, Geography)
- Address for documentation to be sent
For replacement certificates, you should either:
- Send a scanned copy of your original certificate via email to students@liverpool.ac.uk
- Send a photocopy via fax to +44(0)151 794 2041
- Call in with a photocopy in person to the Student Administration Services desk in the Alsop Building
- Post a photocopy to us at the following address: -
Student Life
University of Liverpool
The Hart Building
Brownlow Hill
L3 5TQ
Your documents will be prepared and dispatched as per your instructions, normally within twenty working days following the placement of the online order.
Please note that at during certain periods of peak activity (eg registration in September/October and graduation in July and December), you may experience some delay in this regard.