Research Integrity and Governance Committee

Committee description

Committee Secretary: Matthew Billington, Email:

Terms of Reference

1. To have oversight of research integrity and research governance matters across the University.

2. To approve the University’s annual statement on research integrity.

3. To have oversight of the University’s compliance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

4. To seek to ensure that appropriate training in research integrity and governance is in place across the University

5. To receive reports from the School and Institute Deans on their ongoing activities to promote research integrity.

6. To oversee the work of those University committees with particular responsibility for research governance matters, including:

a. The Committee on Research Ethics
b. The Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body
c. The Human Material Oversight Committee
d. The Joint Research Office Oversight Committee
e. The Joint Research Office Sponsorship Committee
 f. The Clinical Research Regulatory Oversight Committee
g. The relevant Faculty Committees dealing with research governance matters.

7. To have responsibility for monitoring compliance by members of the University with internal policies/procedures and external regulations/legislation relating to research governance.

8. To monitor, review and where necessary update policies and procedures relating to research governance.

9. To receive anonymised summaries of allegations or discoveries of research misconduct and provide guidance on research integrity and governance considerations arising from investigations.

10. To provide assistance and guidance to each Faculty to ensure that appropriate mechanisms and structures are developed at Faculty level for the effective management of research governance, notably the establishment of research integrity and governance matters as a standing item on School or Departmental Research and Impact committees as appropriate.

11. To promote best practice and encourage consistency in matters of research integrity and governance across the University.

12. To oversee audits within the University to assess compliance with research governance policies and procedures.

13. To receive reports on research governance audits or inspections of the University by external bodies; for example: the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency; Human Tissue Authority etc.

14. To ensure that all information received by the Committee is written in such a way that it can be understood by a lay reader.

Reporting Relationships

As a Joint Committee of the Senate and the Council, the Research Integrity and Governance Committee reports to the Senate and to the Council (usually through an annual report); and reports to the Committee on Research Ethics for information.

Frequency of Meetings

The Research Integrity and Governance Committee usually meets on three occasions during the academic year.


A quorum of a minimum of one third of the total membership will be required for any meetings of the Committee, which must include:

  • The Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee;
  • The University Named Person for research integrity, or a member of the Research Support Office;
  • At least one Chair of a Faculty Research and Impact Committee;
  • At least one Faculty Research Integrity Lead.

The Committee shall have the power to invite additional persons, who need not be members of the University, to present on specific agenda items.

Members or key people

Chair Professor Anthony Hollander
Vice Chair (and Dean of the Liverpool Doctoral College) Professor Georgina Endfield

University Named Person for Research Integrity and the

Deputy Named Person for Research Integrity

Professor Elizabeth Perkins

Professor Kathy Burrell

The Chair of each Faculty Research and Impact Committee:


Health and Life Sciences

Professor Claire Eyers

Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Farida Vis

Science and Engineering

Professor Laura Harkness-Brennan

Faculty Research Integrity Leads:


Health and Life Sciences

To be appointed

Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Claire Pierson

Science and Engineering

Dr Roberto Ferrero

One Faculty Director of Operations

Mrs Kate Jones

Dr Laura Lightfoot

Chair of the Committee on Research Ethics

Professor Georgina Endfield

Chair of the Clinical Trials Oversight Committee

Professor Tom Walley

Chair of the Sponsorship Committee

Professor Tony Marson

Chair of the Human Material Oversight Committee

Professor Peter Clegg

Human Tissue Act Designated Individual (Research)

Dr Neil French

Chair of the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body


Head of the Research Support Office

Sarah Farnsworth

Senior Research Ethics and Research Integrity Officer

Matthew Billington

Human Resources representative

Frances Hardisty

Legal & Governance representative

David McVey

Lay members appointed by the Council

Capt Ibrahim Nadim

The Committee shall have the power to invite additional persons, who need not be members of the University, to present on specific agenda items.

Meeting dates

  • Thursday 07th November, 2024
  • Thursday 20th March, 2025
  • Wednesday 23rd July, 2025


Appendix: Role descriptions


Chair & Vice Chair

To Chair the meetings and to oversee the progress of actions arising from the meetings.

University Named Person for Research Integrity and Deputy Named Person for Research Integrity

To provide anonymised reports of research misconduct cases and to report items of research integrity and governance arising from the cases.

The Chair of each Faculty Research and Impact Committee

To provide research integrity and governance input from the perspective of the relevant Faculty; and to disseminate items from the Committee throughout the Faculty.

Research Integrity Leads

To act as research integrity champions within the Faculties; disseminating information and best practice and being a point of contact for local queries.

One Faculty Director of Operations

To report items of research integrity and governance to the Committee; and to disseminate items from the Committee throughout the Faculty.

Chair of the Committee on Research Ethics

To provide reports of research integrity and governance items arising from the Committee on Research Ethics.

Chair of the Clinical Review Committee

To provide reports of research integrity and governance items arising from the Clinical Review Committee.

Chair of the Sponsorship Committee

To provide reports of research integrity and governance items arising from the Sponsorship Committee.

Chair of the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body

To provide reports of research integrity and governance items arising from the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body.

Chair of the Human Material Oversight Committee & Human Tissue Act Designated Individual (Research)

To provide reports of research integrity and governance items arising from the Human Material governance.

Research Support Office

To provide administrative support and expertise in the area of research integrity and research ethics.

Legal & Governance representative

To provide research integrity and governance input from the perspective of Legal & Compliance.

Human Resource representative

To provide research integrity and governance input from the perspective of Human Resources.

Lay Members

To provide lay input on items of research integrity and governance reviewed by the Committee.