Nominations Committee
Committee description
Secretary: Emma Leonard, Email:
Terms of Reference
1 To seek and consider nominations for, and to make recommendations to the Council for the appointment of:
- potential lay members of Council;
- Council-appointed Senate and Professional Services representatives on Council; and
- Council-appointed members of University committees and bodies.
In making its recommendations to the Council, the Committee seeks to ensure:
- that the Council is able to discharge its duties effectively through an engaged membership that has an appropriate mix of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity;
- that robust and appropriate procedures are in place around Council appointments to University committees and bodies;
- that there is an appropriate allocation of workload amongst members; and
- that due consideration is given to succession planning.
2 To oversee the arrangements for the induction, development and annual appraisal of Council members.
Reporting Relationships
The Nominations Committee reports directly to the Council.
Frequency of Meetings
The Nominations Committee usually meets on two occasions during the academic year.
The quorum for meetings of the Nominations Committee shall be three of its members at least one of whom must be a lay member.