Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees

Committee description

Secretary: Michelle Keeley-Adamson, Email: 

Terms of Reference

  • The Joint Committee shall be empowered to submit to the Council and the Senate, at any time, the names of persons upon whom it is proposed that honorary degrees or honorary fellowships should be conferred and, in relation to honorary degrees, to recommend in each case the title of the degree which it is proposed should be conferred.
  • All members of the Council and the Senate shall be invited annually to submit, in confidence, to the Joint Committee through the Vice-Chancellor, nominations for honorary degrees whenever it is decided that a Congregation shall be held for the conferment of such degrees, provided that they shall also have the right to submit nominations in confidence to the Vice-Chancellor at any time. Nominations for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships may also be sought from the members of the University, as defined in Ordinance 2. The Joint Committee shall consider all nominations received, but shall have the power to make nominations for honorary degrees and honorary fellowships on its own initiative.
  • All reports of the Joint Committee containing the names of the persons on whom it is proposed that honorary degrees or honorary fellowships shall be conferred shall first be considered by the Senate and, as soon thereafter as may be, shall be transmitted by the Senate with the recommendations of the Senate to the Council.
  • No person shall be admitted to an honorary degree or honorary fellowship whose name has not been approved for that purpose by both the Council and the Senate.
  • Each recipient of an honorary degree or honorary fellowship shall normally be presented for admission by the Public Orator.
  • The Council may, on the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees and the Senate, revoke an honorary degree or honorary fellowship.

Reporting Relationship

As a Joint Committee of the Senate and the Council, the Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees reports to the Senate and to the Council.

Frequency of Meetings

The Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees usually meets on two occasions during the academic year.


The quorum for meetings of the Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees shall be four members.

Members or key people

The President of the Council Carmel Booth
The Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Professor Tim Jones
Three lay members of the Council
Cilla Ankrah-Lucas
Dr Mark Carawan
Dr Diana Walford

Three members of the Senate appointed by the Senate,
at least one of whom shall be a member of
the non-professorial staff   

Dr Laura Corner (Science & Engineering)
Professor Bruce Gibson (Humanities & Social Sciences)
Professor Hazel Scott (Health & Life Sciences)
A nominee of the Guild of Students,
drawn from the Student Representative Officers
Lina Dubbins

 The Director of Development and Alumni Relations and the Head of Events will be in attendance.

Our Honorary Graduates

Please click here to view a list of our Honorary Graduates.

Criteria for the Award of Honorary Degrees

Please click here‌ to view the criteria for the Award of Honorary Degrees

Criteria for the Award of Honorary Fellowships

Please click here‌ to view the criteria for the Award of Honorary Fellowships

Nomination Form

Please click here to submit a nomination.

Meeting dates

  • 6 November 2024, 10.00 am

A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.