Heritage, Arts and Culture Committee
Committee description
Secretary: Michelle Keeley-Adamson, mkeeley@liverpool.ac.uk
Terms of Reference
a) To develop and promote a unified strategy for the preservation and making best use of all aspects of the University’s heritage collections and cultural activities, and in particular to promote and facilitate the use of these:
- to the benefit of the University’s teaching and research activities;
- to the benefit of the University’s engagement with the Liverpool City Region and its cultural life.
b) To monitor performance against this strategy.
c) To oversee the University’s relationship with major cultural organisations in the Liverpool City Region and further afield.
d) To approve policies relating to the University’s collections including the requirements of accreditation or future similar schemes.
e) To approve proposals for new public exhibitions (physical and online) within Libraries, Museums and Galleries, (including the Victoria Gallery & Museum and Special Collections & Archives), referring matters to the University’s Formal Senior Leadership Team where required.
Reporting Relationship
The Heritage, Arts and Culture Committee reports to the Formal Senior Leadership Team.
The Heritage, Arts and Culture Committee will receive reports from the following stakeholder groups:
- The Garstang Museum
- The Institute for Popular Music
- Heritage Strategy Task and Finish Group
Frequency of Meetings
The Heritage, Arts and Culture Committee usually meets on four occasions during the academic year.
The quorum for meetings of the Heritage, Arts and Culture Committee shall be one third of the membership
Members or key people
Ex officio members:
Chair |
Professor G Endfield |
The Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact (HSS) |
The Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education (HLS) |
Professor F Watkins |
Heritage Research Theme Lead |
Professor S Bandyopadhy
ay/Deputy (Lois Thompson)
The Deputy Director Libraries, Museums and Galleries |
J Fitton |
The Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation or nominee |
K Spicer/ K Connell |
The Head of Museums & Galleries |
N Euston |
The Director of External Relations or his/her nominee |
T Seamans |
The Managing Director of the Liverpool University Press |
A Cond |
A Student Representative Officer (nominated annually by the Guild of Students, from the elected Student Officers) |
R Bradbury |
Artistic Director to the Tung Auditorium |
R Hartwell |
The Dean of School of Histories, Languages and Cultures |
Professor A Fell |
Appointed members: **
A representative from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Professor B Gibson |
A representative from the Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Professor T Shears |
A representative from the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences |
Professor G Kemp |
A representative of the Liverpool Guild of Students |
R Dalton |
A representative of National Museums Liverpool |
Sandra Penketh (Interim) |
A representative of Liverpool City Council |
Vacancy |
A representative from the Institute of Popular Music |
Dr M Leonard |
In Attendance:
Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee. This may include representatives from regional partners.
** Members in this category shall be appointed for maximum three years, and be eligible for re-appointment when vacancies are advertised.
Meeting dates
- 19 September 2024, 2.00 pm
- 4 December 2024, 2.00 pm
- 14 March 2025, 10.00 am
- 20 June 2025, 10.00 am
A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.