Enterprise Board

Committee description

Secretary: Katie Blundell, Email: katherine.blundell@liverpool.ac.uk


  1. Oversees and governs the delivery of the University’s IP exploitation activities, stimulates an enterprise culture across the University, maintains connections with all University initiated enterprise activities and reviews delivery against aims and best practice.
  2. Ensures that the maximum impact benefits are being achieved from all opportunities supported.
  3. Reviews the performance of all licensing activity.
  4. Approves the creation of and monitors all research and know-how related University spin-out companies.
  5. Approves all changes (buying and selling of shares) to the University equity interests in spin-out companies.
  6. Approves all investments (grants and loans) greater than £10k granted by the Enterprise Investment Panel from the University’s Investment Fund, enabling the University to support high risk commercial propositions within a balanced portfolio of investments.

Reports to:

Finance and Resources Committee (F&R) - annually and as required Research and Impact Committee

Report for the period should contain:

  • Review of IP commercialisation outcomes.
  • Overview of University spin-out activity
  • Review of Investment Fund investments
  • Other issues

Receives reports from:

The board shall receive quarterly reports from the Enterprise Investment Committee

Meeting Frequency:

Quarterly for 3 hours


The Board will only be quorate when a minimum of 1/3 of the membership is present, plus one additional lay member.  

Delegated Authority:

The Board has delegated decision making authority up to a value of £500k from P&R for any commercial transactions relating to spin-outs, Investment Funds and the sale of IP.

The Board has delegated decision making authority to the Head of IP Commercialisation for investments and funding up to a total value of £10k per case.

Members or key people

Chair Professor Anthony Hollander  
Faculty Academic Lead HLS Professor Rachel Williams  
Faculty Academic Lead HSS Professor Robert Blackburn  
Faculty Academic Lead S&E Professor Steve Rannard  
External Advisor Norman Molyneux 20.1.23-31.7.24
Member of Council Dr Kashmir Gill 01.8.23 – 31.07.26
Member of Council Alison Campbell 2024-2027
External lay member Dr Paul Ewing 01.08.22 – 31.07.25
External lay member Dr Mark Wyatt 01.01.22 – 31.10.24
External lay member Lisa Layzell 01.10.21 – 31.07.24
Director of Legal Compliance (Professional Services) Kevan Ryan  
Commercial Accountant (Professional Services) Roger Bickerstaff  
Assistant Director of Research Partnerships and Innovation Carolyn Horrocks  
Head of IP Commercialisation  Emma Nolan  
Development and Alumni Relations Representative Michaela Riches  
Director of Careers and Employability Iwan Williams  

In Attendance:

Committee Secretary Michelle Keeley-Adamson
Commercialisation Managers/Consultants Various

Meeting dates

  • 2 October 2024, 10.00 am
  • 8 January 2025, 2.00 pm
  • 14 March 2025, 10.00 am
  • 3 June 2025, 2.30 pm

A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.