Education Committee
Committee description
Secretary: Kathryn Cross, Email:
Terms of Reference
a) To be responsible to the Senate and the Council for the implementation of the academic student experience priorities of the University’s Strategic Plan and maintain oversight of the Education & Experience Pillar and monitor performance in this area.
b) To have oversight of all academic aspects of the Student Experience in the University and to promote its ongoing enhancement.
c) In collaboration with the University’s Research and Impact Committee, to oversee and monitor performance of strategies and plans to enhance the Student Experience of the University’s Postgraduate Research (PGR) students.
d) To be responsible to the Senate and the Council for promoting high quality learning and teaching in the University.
e) To work with the Guild to enhance the academic aspects of the Student Experience.
f) To highlight and promote innovations and best practice from across the University in learning, teaching and assessment.
g) To propose the development of new learning and teaching policies and initiatives, to liaise with other committees/bodies about such policies and initiatives and to monitor their implementation and effectiveness.
h) To receive reports from the Faculties in relation to the implementation of the University’s Education & Experience Pillar.
i) To oversee any funds made available to support and promote learning and teaching, including funds for teaching excellence awards.
j) To oversee the University’s student representation systems.
k) To oversee the University’s arrangements for promoting core internal and external surveys to its students and to co-ordinate its response to the outcomes of the surveys.
l) To oversee the University’s performance on student outcomes, including but not limited to, non-progression and non-completion rates, degree outcomes and student employment outcomes; and to co-ordinate its response to such findings, as well as positioning the University in an optimum place for external assessments.
m) To commission market research (including student evaluation surveys), to consider the outcomes of such research and to promote appropriate action in response.
n) To consider relevant aspects of the University’s policies and practices for the promotion of diversity and equality of opportunity among the student population.
o) To oversee the University’s Student Protection Plan, including undertaking regular reviews as appropriate.
p) To advise the Finance and Resources Committee on resourcing issues related to the academic Student Experience.
q) To engage in horizon scanning to anticipate and prepare for new opportunities and likely future developments in learning, teaching and assessment.
Reporting Relationships
The Education Committee reports to Senate and Council and to the Finance and Resources Committee in relation to planning and resource allocation matters.
The Guild Liaison Sub-Committee, the Student Success Board and the Faculty Education Committees report directly to the Education Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
The Education Committee usually meets on four occasions during the academic year. The Education Committee will look to overlap at two of its meetings with the Research and Impact Committee to consider PGR matters.
The quorum for meetings of the Education Committee shall be one third of the membership, including at least one lay member of the Council.