Consultative Committee on Health and Safety

Committee description

Secretary: Katie Blundell, Email:

Under its Terms of Reference, the CCHS will: 

Work with the HSGC and assist in the implementation of Safety Management systems across the University, in overseeing the ongoing development and implementation of the University Health and safety Strategy and Policy and assisting in the monitoring and review of safety performance and progress against the strategic action plan.

Specifically, the CCHS will, as part of the terms of reference, consider and consult on the following issues as a minimum:

  • Accident and incident data including RIDDOR reportable accidents, notifiable diseases and dangerous occurrences with the aim of identifying trends and preparing recommendations for remedial action
  • Absence statistics and reasons for such absences in relation to health and safety
  • Issues and trends identified in monitoring and inspection reports, health and safety audits and fire evacuation reports
  • Compliance with any statutory duties
  • Proposed changes to the University Health and Safety Strategy
  • Proposed changes to the University Health and Safety Policy
  • The introduction and effectiveness of any new University code of practice, safety circulars and guidanc
  • The introduction of any new University safe systems of work
  • The planning, organisation and review of health and safety training
  • Adequate methods used to communicate and publicise health and safety in the workplace
  • The introduction of any measure which may substantially affect health and safety at work
  • Arrangements for getting competent people to help comply with health and safety laws and undertake risk assessments
  • Information on the risks and dangers arising from their work, measures to reduce or eliminate these risks and what employees should do if they are exposed to a risk
  • The health and safety consequences of introducing new technology
  • Consultation over internal and external H&S audits and

Frequency of Meetings

CHHS usually meet on three occasions during the academic year. CHHS may convene meetings on a more regular basis if required.


The quorum for the Committee is three members representing the employer and threemembers representing the joint trade unions.

If non-University staff or University staff who are not members of the committee wish to attend, then a formal written request must be made to the Chair who will then decide whether the attendance at the meeting is appropriate.

Reporting relationships 

As part of the consultative process, the Committee will consider the following reports and minutes of meetings from:

  • The Health and Safety Governance Committee (HSGC)
  • The central health and safety services (i.e. Safety Adviser’s Office, Occupational Health and Radiation Protection)
  • The two main sub-committees (Biohazards and Dangerous Goods/Security committee)
  • Trends or issues identified in Safety Adviser’s Office reports (e.g. noise vibration, fire, etc.)
  • Reports from external enforcing authorities including the HSE and Fire Service.
  • Reports from TU Representatives
  • Faculties and Professional Service areas
  • The Wellbeing Group.

Formal policies and codes of practice submitted to the CCHS should include a summary of all consultation that has already taken place, including, where appropriate, dates of meetings, attendees and progress made.

The membership and terms of reference for the CCHS will be reviewed annually


Members or key people

In accordance with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977, there is a CCHS chaired by the Director of Human Resources with direct reporting responsibility to the Health and Safety Governance Committee (HSGC). The remaining Committee members are as follows:

Faculty & PS Representative Health and Life Sciences

Gareth Roberts

Faculty & PS Representative Health and Life Sciences

Daniel Dawson

Faculty & PS Representative Science and Engineering

Carmen Tunney Harper

Faculty & PS Representative Science and Engineering

Dr David Donaghy

Faculty & PS Representative Humanities and Social Sciences               

Dr Judi Turner

Faculty & PS Representative Humanities and Social Sciences               

Claire Saunders

Central Professional Services Representative (FRCS)

Lorraine Bretherton

Central Professional Services Representative (FRCS)

Michael Dorrian

Human Resources Representative (HR)

Mary Moran

Student Life Representative

Dr Paula Harrison


Representatives of the Trade Unions appointed by those recognised by the University - (UNITE, UCU, UNISON)



Colin Grandison


Matthew Spencer/

Anna French


Jon McGuigan/


In attendance:


University Safety Adviser

Stephen Dunkley

Committee Secretary

Michelle Keeley-Adamson

Fire Safety Representative

Ian Hughes

The Occupational Health Specialist Nurse


Kerry Ashton


The University Radiation Protection Adviser

Prof Peter Cole &Louise Nicholson


A representative of the Guild of Students

Marc Eagle


A School Manager


Dr Joanne Parker


Meeting dates

  • 11 September 2024, 10.00 am
  • 26 November 2024, 2.00 pm
  • 24 April 2025, 2.00 pm

A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.