Committee for the Award of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates
Committee description
Terms of Reference
- To consider and, if thought fit, to approve special examination arrangements for individual candidates.
- To resolve, on behalf of the Senate, that degrees (other than honorary and ex officio degrees), diplomas and certificates be awarded under the provisions of Ordinances and Regulations.
- To consider reports of procedural irregularity, unfairness or other impropriety concerning the conduct of formal examinations for undergraduate and postgraduate instructional courses and, if appropriate, to make recommendations to Boards of Examiners.
- To consider appeals submitted on valid grounds by individual students against decisions of the Assessment Appeals Committee and, if appropriate, to make recommendations to Boards of Examiners.
Reporting Relationship
The Committee for the Award of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates is responsible to the Senate but, in practice, acts under delegated authority from the Senate.
The quorum for the meetings of the Committee for the Award of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates shall be three members.