Academic Quality and Standards Committee
Committee description
Secretary: Liz McAleer, Email:
Terms of Reference
The Committee’s responsibilities and decision-making powers are as follows:
- To oversee the development, implementation, monitoring and approval of the University’s policies and procedures for assuring and enhancing the quality and standards of its learning, teaching and assessment.
- To approve requests for exemption from the Code of Practice on Assessment and make recommendations to Senate in response to new or revised Ordinances.
- To oversee the University’s interactions with the relevant external bodies responsible for quality assurance, including professional and statutory bodies with responsibility for accrediting the University’s taught programmes, and the Higher Education Academy.
Reporting Relationships
The Academic Quality and Standards Committee reports to Senate, and refers matters to the Education Committee as appropriate.
Frequency of Meetings
The Academic Quality and Standards Committee usually meets on four occasions during the academic year.
The quorum for meetings of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee shall be one third of the membership.
Members or key people
Ex-Officio Members
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education |
Professor Gavin Brown |
Director of Academic Quality and Standards Division |
Ms Trish Barker |
Director of Student Life (or nominee) |
Ms Nicola Casson (nominee) |
The Librarian (or nominee) |
Mrs Lisa Hawksworth (nominee) |
Director of The Academy |
Dr James Howard |
Director of IT Services (or nominee) |
Mrs Nikki Keggin (nominee) |
Head of Careers and Employability |
Mr Iwan Williams |
Guild of Students Representative |
Mr Rowan Bradbury |
Appointed Members
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Mrs Joanne Adeoye |
Professor Alex German |
Professor Francine Watkins (Chair) |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor Liz Crolley |
Professor Phil Drake |
Dr Andrew Plowman |
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Dr Joel Haddley |
Dr David Hutchcroft |
Professor Joe Sweeney |
Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.
The Committee may establish time-limited groups as necessary to deal with pertinent issues.
Invited to Attend
Chair of the Online Programmes Operational Group (OPOG) – Mr Nick Greer
If non-University staff or University staff who are not members of the Committee wish to attend, then a formal written request must be made to the Chair who will then decide whether the attendance at the meeting is appropriate.
A deputy should attend the Committee in the event that a Committee member is unavailable.
Meeting dates
- 20 November 2024, 10.00 am
- 20 February 2025, 2.00 pm
- 24 April 2025, 10.00 am
- 12 June 2025, 2.00 pm
A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.