
Please ensure that you have consulted the eligibility criteria and guidance and that you have consulted the nominations checklist below before filling out your nomination form. 


Nominations should be submitted in strict confidence and should not be divulged to the person nominated. The Governance team have also made a privacy notice available here.

Nominations checklist

Before you submit a nomination, please consult the nominations checklist below to ensure:

  • You have read the eligibility criteria and the person you are nominating is not a current staff member, current serving politician and is living
  • You do not have a close personal relationship with the person you are nominating eg you are not related, or married to that person
  • The nomination is for someone other than yourself
  • You have read the guidance on how to fill out the nominations form
  • You have read the privacy notice
  • You are a current member of staff, a current student, or a member of the University Council

Submit your nomination:

The nomination form can be accessed here.