Honorary degree nominations

The University is seeking nominations for inspirational individuals to receive honorary degrees in 2025.

The deadline for the receipt of nominations is Friday 11 October 2024 by 5pm.

What is an honorary degree?

Since 1903, the University of Liverpool has awarded honorary degrees to distinguished academics who are pre-eminent in their field; individuals who have achieved national or international eminence in public life or a particular activity (for example in industry, commerce and business, the arts in all its forms, media, or sport); and individuals who have given a particular service to the University or made outstanding contributions to the city or region. 

They are a way for members to suggest and the University to recognise exceptional people and their achievements, and to inspire our students and stakeholders. A list of our Honorary Graduates can be viewed here.

Submit a nomination:

Click here to read detailed guidance on how to complete the nomination form and to read eligibility guidelines. You will also find the link to the nomination form on this page.

Nominations procedure:

  1. Submit your nomination using the form. We want to know why the person you are nominating is exceptional! It's important not to tell the individual you are nominating.
  2. Once nominations are submitted, they will be considered by the Joint Committee on Honorary Degrees which will meet on 6 November 2024.
  3. Successful nominations will be sent to Senate and Council for approval. The Vice-Chancellor will write to successful nominees and invite them to receive their honorary degree at one of our 2025 graduation ceremonies. *
  4. Once successful nominees have been contacted, you will receive an email informing you of the outcome of your nomination.

*In line with our Privacy Notice available here, we will not inform unsuccessful nominees that they have been nominated for an honorary degree.


Click here to view information on past recipients of honorary degrees

Click here to read guidance on completing the nomination form

Click here to submit a nomination


Contact details

Should you have any questions, please contact:

Michelle Keeley-Adamson
Governance Officer
Email: mkeeley@liverpool.ac.uk