Our global community

As a university with a global approach to both research and education, it's no surprise that we have a firmly established community of former partners and students from around the world who have studied or researched with us, either in Liverpool or online.

We're proud to have a diverse student body, which is currently made up of more than 7,700 students from across the world, showcasing the scale of our international community. We also have more than 10,000 people studying with us remotely via our online programmes

Our strong histoy of welcoming students from across the globe means we have a community of former students that stretches to every corner of the world, with Liverpool alumni spread across 6 continents and 187 countries represented. 

We have 270,000 alumni worldwide, with more than 30,000 of these located outside of the UK. We also have 6 global alunmi networks, run by volunteers, which hold regular events and help our community thrive.

This hugely diverse student community means there are plenty of benefits for those who want to study at Liverpool. Not only will you be able to enjoy studying with and learning from a range of people from different cultures and backgrounds, youll also always be able to find someone with shared life experiences you can lean on when you just need that extra bit of support.

Liverpool community testimonials

With current students and alumni from across the world, there's a lot of love for Liverpool in our community. If you're thinking about becoming part of our global network, find out what current students and alumni of the University had to say about their Liverpool Experience.

Global alumni

Our global alumni network is full of success stories. Over the years, thousands of students from across the world have come to Liverpool to study before going on to have a sizeable impact in their own countries, the industries they've chosen to work in, and the world as a whole. Here are just a few of our global alumni who have gone on to be game changers. 

Professor Datin Paduka Dr Aini Ideris

Aini Ideris

Graduating from the University of Liverpool in 1981 with a Masters in Veterinary Science (MVSc), Aini Ideris has since gone on to become one of the world's most prominent experts in avian veterinary care, specialising in respiratory and immunosuppressive diseases, an area in which she has won many awards for her research. She also previously served as the Chancellor of the University of Putra Malaysia.

The Honorable Judge Wendy Beetlestone

Judge Wendy Beetlestone graduated from the University in 1984 with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy. She then went on to have a successful career as a TV journalist, before changing career and entering the legal profession. In 2014, she was nominated by President Barack Obama and became a District Judge. She has also been the Chancellor of the University since 2023. 

John Chuang

John Chuang

One of the world's biggest makers of chocolate products, Singaporean John Chuang started his career path at Liverpool, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in 1973. He would then go on to found Petra Foods, which has since grown to become one of the biggest chocolate companies on the planet, producing many well-known global confectionary brands.

Dr Tung Chee Chen

CC Tung

Hong Kong native Tung Chee-chen graduated from the University back in 1964 with a BEng in Mechanical Engineering. He has since gone on to hold a number of prominent positions in the shipping sector, including chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners' Association, chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and CEO of Orient Overseas, a Hong-Kong based shipping company which has become one of the biggest in the world.

Discover more of our notable alumni, who are making an impact across the world.

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