Scientist working in lab

About the campaign

Our COVID-19 Emergency Response Campaign is funding crucial and ground-breaking research into the virus and its treatment and we're calling on our local and global communities to help us.

In immediate response to the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Liverpool committed to working with partner organisations to find the solution to COVID-19 and to develop effective drug treatments and vaccines.

Alongside research grants and traditional sources of funding, philanthropic income will allow us to fund additional research. Your donation, whatever its size, will enable us to make an immediate and real impact. Your support will allow us to fund research and make further advances in our understanding and treatment of coronavirus, including the development of a vaccine.

In addition, the University of Liverpool has identified three priority areas and is galvanising its community into a collective response to support them:

  • COVID-19 research programme: Our research resources have been redirected to urgently support the study of COVID-19, and, given the restrictions currently in place in the United Kingdom, these are currently the only research programmes operating from the University campus in Liverpool. Currently over 150 researchers are leading on the University’s response to the pandemic. Find out more about the ground-breaking research being undertaken.

  • NHS: In partnership with Liverpool Health Partners, the University is committed to delivering an integrated approach to supporting NHS colleagues and the city’s public health agenda. Find out how the University is working hard to support the NHS and the city.

  • Liverpool City Region: Our Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place is producing a series of policy briefs and a blog to support civic leaders, policy makers and the general public in the Liverpool City Region focused on measuring the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and support the city’s recovery.

Please consider donating to our COVID-19 Emergency Response Campaign. The support of our alumni, friends, supporters and city partners at this time is much needed and much appreciated. For any contribution you are able to make to our campaign, we thank you.


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