COVID-19 virus

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Campaign

The current COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecedented global challenge, and one for which our researchers, working at the forefront of innovation and discovery, are striving to find a global solution.

We need to act quickly to respond to the current pandemic and the challenges we face as a result of coronavirus. And we need the support of our global community to do that.

The University of Liverpool has identified three priority areas and is galvanising its community into a collective response to meet these challenges in the coming weeks and months. They are:

  • To support the COVID-19 research programme
  • To support the NHS and
  • To support the Liverpool City Region

Supporting COVID-19 Research

Professor Calum Semple, Professor of Outbreak Medicine at the University of Liverpool, who is leading a team of specially trained scientists working to understand coronavirus and its impact, described the pandemic as “the greatest pathogenic threat to humanity for over 100 years”.

Currently 150 researchers are leading on the University’s response to the pandemic. Our scientists are undertaking research to better understand the nature of the virus and how it spreads, and to develop effective drug treatments including the development of a vaccine. A team led by Professor Andrew Owen, in the University's Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, is working with collaborators on an approach to preventing healthcare workers from becoming infected. If successful, this could be deployed like a vaccine which, topped up intermittently, would provide them with vital protection while caring for those most in need.

Our research resources have been redirected to urgently support the study of COVID-19, and, given the restrictions currently in place in the United Kingdom, these are currently the only research programmes operating from the University campus in Liverpool.

Supporting the NHS and City

In partnership with its Liverpool Health Partners, the University is delivering an integrated approach to supporting the city’s public health agenda. This partnership, and the University’s commitment to supporting NHS colleagues during this current global pandemic, has never been stronger.

From making equipment, such as oxygen compressors, available to the NHS, to making student accommodation and University car parks available to NHS staff; from clinical academics, including Professor Louise Kenny and final year medical students returning to front-line medicine, to thousands of Y1-4 medical students and staff volunteers supporting in non-clinical areas such as providing childcare for key workers and food distribution across the city, the University is working hard to support the NHS and the City of Liverpool.

If you can donate any of the medical supplies from the list below please contact us.

  • Surgical scrubs
  • Plastic aprons
  • Gloves
  • Water resistant surgical masks
  • Gowns
  • FFP3 masks
  • Visors 
  • Surgical caps 
  • QIAsymphony Virus/Bacteria midi kit 937055
  • QIAamp MinElute Virus Spin Kit 57704

Our global community’s response

As a global community, we have never faced anything like this. The challenges, both for society as a whole and for each of us personally are unprecedented. The University of Liverpool is committed to working with partner organisations to find the solution to COVID-19 and to develop effective drug treatments and vaccines. Alongside research grants and traditional sources of funding, philanthropic income will allow us to fund additional research.

In a matter of days, the University has responded to the challenges presented by the pandemic. Now we’re calling on our local and global communities to come together to help us find the solution to the biggest global health challenge facing us today.

Your donation, whatever its size, will enable us to make an immediate and real impact. Your support will allow us to fund research and make further advances in our understanding and treatment of coronavirus. 

For any contribution you are able to make to our campaign, we thank you. 

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