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Alumnus advises students not to ‘over plan’ their career

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Liverpool graduate and Chief Medical Officer at Autifony Therapeutics, John Hutchison, told students to be flexible and to consider options outside of their own discipline at a careers event on campus.

The talk formed part of the University’s School of Life Sciences’ employability fair, an afternoon of events aimed at helping both undergraduate and postgraduate students consider their career options.

John (BSc Hons Physiology 1977, PhD 1980) is a UK-registered physician with more 25 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry, most recently as VP of Clinical Research at Pfizer Neusentis.

He told the assembled students: “The most important piece of advice I have to give you is to start by doing something you enjoy, even if it’s nothing to do with your degree.  Once you’ve found out what you’re good at, work hard to get yourself into a competitive position and develop some additional skills.  

“You should keep an open mind to new opportunities, and never over plan as you will probably not end up where you expected!”

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