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COVID-19 Student Crisis Support Fund: Student impact

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Student works on laptop in library

Since the launch of the COVID-19 Student Crisis Support Fund, the University of Liverpool’s Money Advice and Guidance Team have awarded funding to more than 200 students. We spoke to an MRes student in Biomedical Science and Translational Medicine about how receiving funding from the Student Crisis Support Fund has impacted them:

"The focal point of my study is the biochemical signal transductions and signalling mechanisms of cancer. My interest in studying the complexities of cancer is coupled with a strong interest in the discovery of new therapeutics and contributing to research that directly benefits healthcare. Growing up in a council estate on benefits, many did not expect or believe I would have made it into university and now I am going to start my PhD in October thanks to the skills I have gained throughout my masters."

"Following the death of my mother before starting university, finance became a bigger concern, therefore, financial assistance through hardship/crisis support funds are greatly appreciated and it has given me a better opportunity to complete my postgraduate study and stay on course to begin my PhD and scientific research career."

"When starting my Masters, I was aware that additional income through part time work was required, this has never normally been a problem for me as it is what I am used to – part time work alongside my studies. Because of COVID-19 and entering lockdown I lost the job opportunity I was about to start. I then struggled to find work as restrictions got lifted, as did many other people. Now I am unable to find work to support myself through to the end of the MRes in September."

"I was also concerned it would affect my studies, not only creating great concern for myself but also because I did not have the analysis software and licences we normally have access to within our lab. These applications such as graph pad required a paid licence for use."

"With help from the crisis support fund I was able to stay in Liverpool until the end of my course, as the fund allowed me to pay my final months of rent up to September when my MRes ended, ensuring I could focus on my studies with one less worry. This has allowed me to successfully complete the final assignments to ensure I can finish with the grades required to progress onto a PhD and secure my future plans."

"Because of the lack of family members and being estranged from the only parent I have left, moving back home is not an option. Before university I had to live with my sister and my niece, who are receivers of universal credit. Therefore, for me there really wasn't an option of having to move back in and put more financial pressure on her. Because of this fund I didn't have to, I was able to stay in Liverpool and support myself throughout."

"Thank you to everyone who has been generous enough to donate to the fund, the team members who have made this fund possible, and the university for giving students these opportunities to receive financial help. I don't think some people realise how much even a small amount can help and how grateful people are to receive that help. As someone who has benefited from your donations and support I can confirm how much this has helped me through these exceptionally difficult times. Thank you!"

On behalf of the University and all of the COVID-19 Student Crisis Support Fund recipients, we are very thankful to all who have supported this campaign. To find out more about the University of Liverpool's COVID-19 Response Campaign visit our Coronavirus Hub.