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COVID-19 campaign donor stories: Ray Oliver

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Alumnus Ray
Alumnus Ray Oliver (MEng Engineering, 1975)

The COVID-19 Emergency Response Campaign has seen more than 370 alumni and friends from 26 different countries come together in the fights against the coronavirus pandemic. In another of our donor stories, we highlight alumnus Ray Oliver (MEng Engineering, 1975) who shared his experience of life in lockdown as well as what inspired him to support this campaign.

Dear Friends,

Being fairly ancient (82 next month) and in the high risk category (diabetes), I have been in lock-down for several weeks now but I have to say I am not finding it too onerous thanks to my rural Cumbrian surroundings and the on-line convenience for attending to life’s needs. Two days ago the dairy cows emerged into the fields after months in winter quarters and are presently munching on fresh grass, their consumption being calorie-controlled by an electrified tape which is moved on a few metres each day. I confess to being a little envious of their new freedom.

Living alone for the past four years I have become used to coping domestically. My wife of 58 years passed away in October last after a long illness latterly cared for in a nursing home. A Liverpool Royal Infirmary trained nurse, she gained her SRN and Silver Medal in 1960 in the old Florence Nightingale-inspired building which I believe is now part of the University. Memory: on Christmas Day 1960 boyfriends were allowed on to the wards under strictly controlled conditions imposed by the Matron to enjoy a chaste afternoon tea of jelly and custard.

Observing the political responses in this country and elsewhere to the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted me to support the research which will hopefully bring results beneficial to all mankind.

My very best wishes to all

Ray Oliver

Without the support of donors like Ray, we would not be able to continue the world-leading and transformational research into coronavirus and its treatment. We are extremely thankful for the ongoing support and generosity of our global community.

If you would like to support the COVID-19 campaign please click here.

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