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Janet’s Liverpool Legacy

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Janet Edwards (BA Hons Geography 1975)

Alumna Janet Edwards’ passion for young people to have access to higher education regardless of their personal circumstances, has inspired her to leave a legacy to the University of Liverpool.

Janet Edwards (nee Clough) overcame her own educational challenges with a strong Will and a Hope to succeed.  Disappointment at not passing her 11 plus exam and the prospect of being separated from her friends, fuelled her determination to pass her A levels and go on to University.

Appointed head girl, she passed her 7 O levels (the most she could take), and went on to take 3 A levels at the local grammar school. Ignoring the head teacher’s assertion that students from the secondary modern were ‘not capable’ of taking that many A levels, she passed them all with flying colours, meeting the entry requirements to begin her studies in Geography at Liverpool.

Arriving in October 1972 Janet immersed herself in University life, becoming the first hall president of Morton House in 1973 and graduating with a BA Hons in Geography in 1975. 

Showing the same determination, and following in her footsteps Janet’s daughter also attended the University of Liverpool. Overcoming severe dyslexia she achieved a 2:1 in Geology - topping Janet’s 2:2!

“Thank you Liverpool, attending University gave me confidence for life!  My legacy gift and monthly donation is for students with learning difficulties, because every little contribution helps.”

Janet Edwards (BA Hons Geography, 1975) - Former President of Morton House, Regular Giver & Proud Legacy Pledger

Janet’s passion for young people to be able to access HE, regardless of their background or circumstances, has inspired her to leave a Liverpool legacy, what Will your Liverpool legacy be?

Our Hope, your Will

A gift in your Will is an extraordinary way to celebrate your life and a unique way to remember the University of Liverpool. You can find out more on our Legacy webpages or, if you would like to discuss leaving a gift or would like further information about legacy giving, please contact Carolyn Jones, Legacy Officer, by email address: or complete our contact form and we will get back to you.