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Lifelong Engagement and Legacy Gifts

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Katherine Slinger - BA Hons Oriental Studies 2014 and current PhD Student in Egyptology

Legacies, and gifts in memory are extraordinary ways to celebrate a life, and two sisters’ lifelong engagement with the University has had a positive impact, with a truly wonderful outcome.

Barbara Ruddlesden’s legacy to the University, in memory of her sister and alumna Dr Sheila Buckley, supports the Sir Joseph Rotblat Alumni Scholarship. The Scholarship has helped fund Egyptology PhD student Katherine Slinger in her studies.

Katherine, whose thesis is entitled “Tomb Families: Private Tomb Distribution in the New Kingdom Theban Necropolis" has been undertaking research into the necropolis at Thebes.  Research like Katherine’s is helping to transform and develop our understanding of archaeological history. Egyptologists can now consider the sacred landscape of Thebes in a different way, allowing a deeper understanding of how the necropolis was organised and functioned, giving clues about how tombs were allocated. These findings could theoretically be used to locate undiscovered and 'lost' tombs. 

Katherine shared her experience of receiving the Scholarship with us:

“The scholarship has made such a huge difference to my life. It was wonderful news to hear that I had been chosen - I cried when I opened the email and rang my parents and they cried too! I have been able to focus on my PhD rather than working all hours and trying to juggle university. The scholarship has allowed me to visit Egypt for fieldwork purposes and volunteer at the Garstang museum.”

During both her undergraduate and master’s degrees, Katherine supported herself by working three jobs in addition to her full-time studies. Scholarships enable students to concentrate on their studies, and focus on their future.

Both Barbara and her sisters' gift to the Sir Joseph Rotblat Alumni Scholarship has made a difference to Katherine's life, helping to realise her Hopes. If you are interested in learning how you can support students through a gift in your Will, please get in touch – we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Our Hope, your Will

A gift in your Will is an extraordinary way to celebrate your life and a unique way to remember the University of Liverpool.

You can find out more on our Legacy webpages or, if you would like to discuss leaving a gift or would like further information about legacy giving, please contact Carolyn Jones, Legacy Officer, by email address: or complete our contact form and we will get back to you.