Macdonald, N., & Dietz, R. (2024). Reassessing and Extending the Composite Rainfall Record of Manchester, Northwest England: 1786–Present. Climate, 12(2), 21. doi:10.3390/cli12020021
EPSRC. £4.8 million, 2024-32. Centre for Doctoral Training in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions: 52 PhD studentships in collaboration with 33 energy and maritime sector industry partners. UoL Co-I A. Plater.
NERC. £1.8 million (£425k to UoL), 2021-25. Co-Opt: Resilient Coasts: Optimising Co-Benefit Solutions – greening the grey in coastal and shoreline management. UoL Co-Is A. Plater, R. Dunning, S. Jay, L. Robinson.
ESRC. £2.1 million (£206k to UoL), 2024-28. COAST-R: COastal Communities And Seas Together for Resilience Network Plus. UoL PI N. Macdonald, Co-Is C. Lyddon, A. Plater.
UKSPF Net Zero. £729k, 2023-25. UKSPF Supporting Businesses to Decarbonise. UoL PI A. Plater, Co-I M. Fulton.
EPSRC, £2.5 million (£324k + IAA funding to UoL) 2024-2028. MaLaMi: Maritime and Last Mile Net Zero Place-based Impact Accelerator. UoL PI A. Plater, Co-Is M. Fulton, D. Song and T. Bektas.
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