Professional links

We place a strong emphasis on our links to a range of professional bodies and industry partners, and this is reflected in our teaching and research activity. Examples include: 

A number of our programmes are accredited by the Royal Town Planning Institute and Institute of Environmental Assessment & Management. This accreditation bring you free student membership of the respective organisation and makes it easier for you to achieve your own professional status after your graduate. 

Our Environmental Assessment and Management Research Centre is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on ‘Health in Impact Assessments’. 

We regularly undertake research and consultancy activity for and with external partners. Recent projects include work for the UK Government on planning obligations; and a partnership between us, the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Liverpool City Region on planning for climate resilience

Our extensive professional links bring regular guest lecturers and the opportunity for students to participate in client-based projects across our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught programmes.

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