Ireland-UK Branch Conference Announcement

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Click here to look at the event poster.

On the 10th of June , the Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool  are organising the Ireland-UK IAIA Branch (International Association of Impact Assessment) conference Celebrating 25 years of EIA in the UK.

Delegate places for the conference are now available, priced at £30.

The Conference programme is covering a range of interesting sessions, including:

-          An update with the latest progress with the EIA Directive revisions and on the 2012/13 performance findings from the EIA Quality Mark-Josh Fothergill, IEMA)

-          A review of how UK EIA practice matches up to our Dutch counterparts  (Thomas Fischer, University of Liverpool and Chair of IAIA Ireland & UK Branch)

-          Presentations on the latest thinking in key growth areas for the future of EIA practice and research:

  • Environmental Assessment and Management Education (Urmila Jha-Thakur & John Phylip-Jones, University of Liverpool)
  • Climate Change (Bridget Durning, Oxford Brooks University)
  • Health (Ben Cave, Ben Cave Associates)
  • Ecosystem Services (Jonathan Baker, Collingwood Environmental Planning Ltd)

The event will also consist of interactive sessions looking at the current gaps between EAM education and practice and SWOT analysis of EIA in the UK.

To register and book a place - please email Becca Holmes (

Conference Details:

Location: University of Liverpool, Management School, Seminar Room 5

Map: Management School = Building 427 on campus map -  

Date: Monday 10th June

Registration: from 9.30am

Start & End: 10.40am – 5.00pm

Refreshments: Light lunch provided

Programme: Attached

Further details: Contact Dr Urmila Jha-Thakur via or call her on: 0151 794 3120