PhD Completed: "Retail Centre Geographies: Who, What, Where and How”

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PhD Completed: "Retail Centre Geographies: Who, What, Where and How”

We are very proud to announce Dr. Patrick Ballantyne successfully defended his ESRC Centre for Doctoral Training PhD thesis, passing with no corrections, on the 2nd March 2023. 

His thesis ‘Retail Centre Geographies: Who, What, Where and How’ explores the geographies of retail centres in new settings, and considers how they can be used as a geographic data tools to support understandings about how the wider retail sector is responding to external pressures (e.g. COVID-19). 

Patrick's PhD is comprised of three published papers which you can read at:

We are very excited to celebrate this next chapter of Patrick’s career and are lucky to have him continue on as a Research Associate at the lab.

Check out Patrick’s blog post about his experience and check out his thesis here!