Applications open for MSc/PhD in CDT Data Analytics and Society

We are now looking for applicants for this exciting opportunity to undertake a 4-year fully-funded integrated PhD and MSc in Data Analytics and Society.
This is a part of the ESRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training, which combines social sciences with methods from computing, mathematics and the natural sciences to encourage significant and novel research.
The scheme is run in partnership with the universities of Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester, presenting opportunities for cross-institutional collaboration and connection. The integrated MSc in Data Analytics is undertaken in the first two years of the scheme, providing the core research and data analytics training needed to complete your PhD research project. Each project is sponsored by an industry partner, who you will work closely with over the four years.
These projects will be starting at the University of Liverpool in September 2018:
- The urban analytics of "human weather" form and forecast
- Improving estimates of the relative risk of night-time economy (NTE) violence by intergrating new forms of data
- Urban sensors: exploiting the opportunities
- Artificial Intelligence for traffic safety enhancement: images, video feeds and sensors as new data sources
- Global Retail Centres and their Composition
- Data Fusion and a 2021 Global Census
If you are interested in applying to any of these projects please find more information here.
Deadline: 19th April 2018