AHAH launched on Public Health England's Data Resource Tool

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GDSL's index 'Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards' has been launched on Public Health England's Public Health Profiles data resource as one of its new metrics for the wider determinants of health.

The index, an overall measure of how 'healthy' areas are based on features such as air quality, access to green space, retail outlets such as fast food outlets, and health services, has been included as a core measure for helping policy makers characterise the health-related features of locations. The tool allows anyone to freely compare how different regions or cities vary on AHAH, and how this relates to health outcomes such as Life Expectancy.

One of AHAH's developers, Dr Mark Green, said: "The inclusion of AHAH on their tool shows how useful England's premier public health body feel AHAH truly is."

"The data resource is used by Local Authorities responsible for public health across England. We hope this exposure will help to maximise the usage and impact AHAH has been gathering up to now."

"This collaboration represents the first stage of hopefully a long and successful set of projects for the GDSL with Public Health England."

A link to the Public Health England's resource can be found here: https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/profile/wider-determinants/data#page/3/gid/1938133043/pat/6/par/E12000002/ati/102/are/E08000012/iid/93074/age/1/sex/4.

AHAH is openly available for the whole of Great Britain and can be viewed (and downloaded) freely via https://maps.cdrc.ac.uk.