Training and events

The Centre for Genomic Research offers ad-hoc informatics support and provides training courses via the NERC Environmental Omics Facility (NEOF).

Our bioinformatics courses cover a range of applications including genome assembly, metabarcoding, population genomics and RNA sequencing. We also offer one to one support via the CGR informatics clinic.


Upcoming NEOF bioinformatics courses

  • Introduction to command line (Unix) - Tuesday 8th October 2024 (registration deadline Monday 23rd September)
  • Introduction to sequencing data and quality control - Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st October 2024 (registration deadline Monday 14th October)
  • Phylogenomics - Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th November 2024 (registration deadline Monday 28th October)
  • R primer for omics - Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th December 2024 (registration deadline Monday 18th November)
  • Python for bioinformatics - Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th January 2025 (registration deadline Monday 16th December)

You can book a place on one of our bioinformatics courses here.


CGR informatics clinic

We offer one to one support to researchers at the University of Liverpool who are conducting their own computational analysis of genomic data. To request support, please contact

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