Sub-optimal processing of nucleic acid samples can lead to poor results in downstream sequencing applications. Library preparation protocols may look straightforward, but we find that the best performance is achieved with a combination of experience and state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Our team use the best tools and reagents available to maximise the performance of your samples. We offer preparation of various types of libraries to suit a wide range of applications.
Short-read library preparation
We offer the following protocols for short-read applications:
- New England Biolabs Ultra II and Ultra II FS library preparation (including miniaturised and automated protocols to keep costs low, subject to sample and application suitability).
- Illumina TruSeqDNA PCR-free library preparation
- Amplicon library preparation (our standard pipeline targets the V4 region of 16S, but we can also help with targeting other regions)
- New England Biolabs Methyl-Seq library preparation
- New England Biolabs Ultra II Directional RNA library preparation (including NEB polyA-selection or QIAseq/NEB rRNA and globin mRNA depletion options)
- Zymo-Seq RiboFreeTotal RNA library preparation
- New England Biolabs Small RNA library preparation
- New England Biolabs Low Input cDNA Synthesis
- 10x Genomics single cell transcriptome, TCR/BCR-profiling, feature barcoding and ATAC-seq library preparation.
Long-read library preparation
We offer the following long-read library preparation options:
- PacBio HiFi library preparation
- PacBio Barcoded library preparation for multiplexing applications
- PacBio large amplicon library preparation
- PacBio IsoSeq library preparation
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