
The heavens above, as blue as the Nile below, stretched as far as the eye could see.  The vast sky above the Nile, where the sun made its daily journey, was home not only to birds such as falcons and swallows, but also insects like bees and flies.


Canopic lid in the form of the falcon-headed god Qebehsenuef, who protected the intestines after mummification. Abydos, Egypt; New Kingdom (1550-1069bc). E.7842


Wooden figurine of a mummified falcon, from a Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figures. Thebes, Egypt; Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30bc). E.7130


Ceramic vessel with painted decoration depicting birds in flight. Hierakonpolis, Egypt; Naqada II Period (3600-3200bc). E.6111


Fragment of limestone with sculpted frieze of falcon-headed gods across the centre. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.7801


Bronze decorative piece, representing the god Horus or Sokar. Egypt; Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (664-30bc). E.9296


Tiny gold pendant in the form of a falcon. Abydos, Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.9075


Fragment of inscription with the bee hieroglyph, referring to the king. Egypt; Middle-New Kingdom (2061-1351bc). E.7802


String of carnelian beads, with a bronze pendant in the form of a fly. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5073

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