Interaction of Humans and the Environment

Over time, different species of animals appear and disappear from the archaeological record in the Nile Valley.

Some were hunted to extinction in the region, while the distribution of some wild species moved due to environmental change. Humans introduced new species, as sources of food or beasts of burden. Some individual animals were even imported as luxury goods.

BEAST, the Leverhulme funded Biodiversity in Egyptian Archaeology during Societal Transitions project, is combining archaeological finds with climate modelling to understand the living world of the ancient past.

Just how much of an impact did ancient humans have on their environment, and how might this have affected the development of their cultures?


Image: Scene from the tomb of Rekhmire, a high official who served in Thebes during the New Kingdom, depicting the import of luxury goods including animal products and even live creatures. Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.



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