
Writing developed in ancient Egypt over 5,000 years ago in the form of hieroglyphs: pictures which symbolised sounds, words and concepts. There were over 700 different hieroglyphs, many of which were inspired by the natural world. There were hieroglyphs depicting mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and invertebrates.


Coffin board with painted hieroglyphic text, including symbols drawn from fauna:  (rearing cobra),  (quail chick) and  (spinal cord of cattle). Beni Hassan, Egypt; Middle Kingdom (2055-1650bc). E.591


Fragment of an inscription (perhaps part of a tomb wall), giving part of the titles of a noble woman. The hieroglyphs read […] n iryt-pAt nDst/wrt […] The hieroglyphs were executed in sunk relief with detail added with paint, much of which still remains. The  (swallow) hieroglyph is part of the word ‘great’. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.584


Fragment of inscription with the word akhet, meaning ‘horizon’, preserved. The word includes the hieroglyph  (bald ibis). Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5284


Sculptor’s trial piece with a depiction of a duck in raised relief. The object is painted, with blue and yellow on the body of the bird, yellow background and green edging. The red pigment on the surface does not look like part of the original design of the artefact. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5269


Fragment of inscription, with the hieroglyphs  (duck) and  (sun disk), reading ‘son of Re’, one of the titles of the king. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5282


Fragment of inscription, with the hieroglyph  (falcon) in low raised relief. The red paint on this object is probably modern. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5283


Sculptor’s trial piece with a depiction of a falcon, executed in delicate raised relief, details of the plumage carefully rendered. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5280


Sculptor’s trial piece with a depiction of a quail chick in raised relief. The depiction is fairly crude, with no attempt at surface detail. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.5281


Limestone trial piece or fragment of relief, with the hieroglyph for 'great' (swallow) executed in raised relief. Egypt; Dynastic Period (3150-30bc). E.606


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