Aerodynamics for Flight Simulation
The objective of this research is to bring CFD level aerodynamics to the study of flight mechanics stability and control. There are two ways in which the CFD can be provided. First, and most commonly, CFD calculations provide the raw input for data driven models that can be used to rapidly compute flight responses. Conventional derivative models are one example of this type of model. Secondly, the CFD can be coupled with the motion equation to directly compute the flight response. These two approaches could give different answers when the aerodynamics develops at a rate comparable to the motion. Our work on flight dynamics is not as mature as that on aeroelasticity but our aims are broadly similar, i.e.
- Establish a range of ways that CFD can be used to contribute to flight mechanics problems;
- Establish when different approaches should be used;
- Study stability problems using time and spectral models.
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