Payment by an external sponsor
If an external organisation (not a friend or relative) is responsible for payment of all or part of your tuition fee, the University will invoice them directly.
You must provide the Student Fees Office with an official sponsor letter or purchase order (on official letter headed paper) from your sponsor on or before you register. A new letter relating to each academic year must be provided prior to the start of that year.
Please email proof of sponsorship to
Proof of sponsorship must show the value and duration (eg one year, three years) of the sponsorship, together with the name and address of where the University should send the invoice. The University will keep this letter for its records. If you do not provide this letter, the University will consider you to be self-financing and shall expect you to pay your own fees, using one of the self-financing options.
As a sponsored student, you are responsible for making sure that your tuition fees are paid. Should your sponsor fail to pay your tuition fees (in line with our terms of trade), the invoice will be cancelled and the debt transferred to your fee account for you to pay directly to the University.
NHS sponsorship
If you are being sponsored by the NHS, please send a hard copy of your notification of award (NOA) to
Upon receipt of this, your account will be updated to ensure your tuition fee invoice is sent to the NHS, and not to you, for payment.
School sponsorship
If your school are paying your tuition fees but you receive an invoice, please ask your school to email us directly at, providing written confirmation of this funding.