Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions related to financial sanctions for late/non-payment of tuition fees.
Student Fees and Funding Team
Telephone: Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 16:00 0151 794 6777
From Tuesday 18th March, The Student Fees and Funding Team will be available at the Student Life Centre, Alsop Building, 10:00 - 14:00, Tuesday and Thursday.
My payment has been returned by CIBC?
In the first instance, you should contact CIBC directly at For INR transactions, the payer address must include the following and not exceed 140 characters: House Number, House / Building Name, Street Name, Locality, City, Pin Code (all 6 digits), State, and Country.
I have paid, when will my access be reinstated?
Payments made by debit/credit card take 24 hours to be received. Payments made by CIBC can take 2-5 working days to be received. Once payment of the outstanding balance is settled, your account restriction will be removed, restoring full access within 24-48 hours.
Will my School know that my account has been blocked?
The Student Fees and Funding Team send weekly reports to individual School student support teams advising of students where a sanction has been applied or removed. Please note that these reports are sent to Schools for information purposes only – Schools cannot remove a financial sanction – this can only be actioned by the Student Fees team.
Can I pay in instalments?
All students have been provided with a tuition instalment plan in line with their level of study and fee status classification. If you would like to discuss an alternative payment arrangement with a Student Fees and Funding colleague, please get in touch, providing information on why payment is late and when you expect to settle the balance.
I can’t pay my fees and there is not an alternative payment arrangement available, what do I do?
One option that may be available where you are unable to pay your programme fees is to academically suspend your studies for a period of time (known as an Interruption of Studies in the University) until you are in a position financially to settle your outstanding debt. This will suspend the accrual of fees (but not what you owe) and can give you the time you need to regain a sound financial footing. Any request to interrupt your studies is subject to academic approval and you should therefore discuss your circumstances with your School in order to fully understand the academic options available to you and with the Money Advice and Guidance or International Advice and Guidance in order to fully understand the financial or visa-related options available to you.
Will Extenuating Circumstances be accepted on financial grounds?
Extenuating Circumstances requests will not be accepted due to the application of these sanctions, as outlined in the Extenuating Circumstances Policy.
Can I still access support services?
Yes, you will be able to access support services. You can contact the Wellbeing Team on or by calling 0151 795 1000. You can also contact the Learning and Teaching Support Officers or Student Support office colleagues in your School or Faculty.
How do I submit my coursework whilst on financial sanction?
You will not be able to submit coursework whilst your MWS account is blocked. This will mean you will receive a mark of 0 (zero) for any assessments with a deadline in the period during which your account is blocked. Please note that resit attempts will be capped for all forms of assessment.
How do I sit online exams?
You will not be able to sit online exams whilst your MWS account is blocked. This will mean you will receive a mark of 0 (zero) for any online exams which take place in the period during which your account is blocked. Please note that resit attempts will be capped for all forms of assessment.
Can I attend lectures or in-person examinations if my IT account has been blocked?
You should continue to attend all your scheduled classes and any in-person examinations.
How do I record my attendance if I cannot access university IT systems?
You must continue to comply with the University’s Attendance Policy and taught students should attend all scheduled classes. You will not be able to input the attendance code for taught classes as you will not have access to university systems. You are therefore required to see the tutor at the end of each class and ask them to input your attendance onto the system. If you are an international student this will ensure that you are meeting the conditions of your visa. We are required to ensure that international students meet their visa conditions and to inform the Home Office if students do not meet attendance requirements. If you are a PGR student, you should visit your School Office at least once per week to confirm that you are still engaged with your studies. Your School Office may send additional information about how to record your attendance to your personal email address. Please ensure you follow any instructions contained in that email.
How can I contact the Student Fees and Funding Team?
The Student Fees and Funding Team can be reached via email ( or telephone 0151 794 6777. Telephone lines are operated Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 4:00pm. From 5th February, for a period of 4 weeks, a colleague from the Student Fees and Funding Team will be on hand at the Student Life Centre, Alsop Building, University Square, 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Financial Security
Advice and Guidance related to Financial Security