Lucrezia Zaina
Lucrezia Zaina was Head of Italian from 1964 to 1988 and studied French and Italian at the University of Liverpool from 1939-1947. She worked in those departments from 1948 until her retirement in 1988. She died on 7 December 2008, and bequeathed her valuable personal library to the University.

Dr Margaret Hope Alston-Garnjost
Margaret earned her Doctorate in Physics at the University of Liverpool in 1955, before securing a position at the University of California, Berkeley. This was regarded as a pioneering role for women at that time, she undertook further research and co-authored several articles with Dr Luis Alvarez, who later went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1968.

Emma Watkinson
Emma (BA Hons English Language & Literature 2008) is a powerhouse. After graduating in a tough economy, working in an array of retail roles and a stint as a journalism intern in New York City, Emma gave up her dream job at 24 to start her own business. SilkFred.com is an online fashion retailer which provides a platform for independent brands, devoted to helping women find the perfect outfit.

Dr Jaclyn Bell
Jacyln is a theoretical particle physicist, athlete and aspiring astronaut. She is currently working as a Space and Physics Project Manager at the UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres while working on her ambitions to become an astronaunt with the European Space Agency.

Tulip Mazumdar
Tulip is a journalist and broadcaster, working for the BBC as their gloabl health reporter. After graduating from the University she worked at BBC Radio Merseyside, moving on to the news department broadcasting on BBC station 1xtra and other BBC radio programmes. She has reported from Helmand, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone during the Ebola epidemic.