Waste management

We conduct pre-demolition waste audits and aim to implement ISO 50001 for energy management.

We are working with the University of Liverpool’s Sustainability Team looking at waste management and ways to reduce waste.

The process will require the cooperation of our supply chain, ensuring everyone takes ownership of the waste management for the varying elements of works associated with our projects.

We already carryout ‘pre-demolition’ waste audits on all of our larger projects to help establish a base line for monitoring waste. This information is used to compare against the actual waste production records and make recommendations for improvements.

The ethos across all our site regarding waste management will be inline with the hierarchy of waste management:

Our waste management ethos follows: 

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle - Recover - Dispose

chart of waste management process

Working with academics and colleagues within professional services at the University, we are looking at initiatives such as reducing plastics from the construction process along with setting up a recycling centre for excess and waste materials to be re-used on other projects or offered to the local community and charities to be put to good use.

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