Brett Gardens

As part of the University of Liverpool’s Estate Strategy Masterplan, ULCCO SP assisted in creating some green spaces across the campus. One of these spaces is between the Brett Building, Yoko Ono Building and the Sydney Jones Library, whereby an outdoor study space was created alongside a campus garden space .

Brett Gardens is split into 2 spaces: the north and south gardens which is accessed by a link bridge between the Sydney Jones Library and the Brett Building. ULCCO SP carried out the refurbishment works to this link bridge. The north and south gardens consist of four study carrels for the University’s students, which is equipped with portable charging points for phones and laptops. The gardens also have ornamental tree species and other types of planting in order to create a “sheltered” garden feel, to create a relaxing study space for students for those who wish to study outside.

See below some progress work pictures of the garden area. These pictures show the refurbished garden area with newly planted ornamental tree species and other plants:


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