EVSNET development capitlises on knowledge and collaborations deeloped through SAVSNET utilised in companion animals. Since launching in 2008, SAVSNET has collected data on some six million records and has invesigated a variety of clinical conditions in companion animals.
Once established, the Equine Veterinary Surveillance Network (EVSNET) would have the capacity to respond to a wide variety of challenges in equine health and welfare and to contribute to evidence-based medicine in equine veterinary practice including:
- Monitoring diseases in horses over time and highlighting emerging diseases and syndromes
- Identifying populations at risk
- Research on specific equine diseases and monitoring treatment responses and outcomes
- Informing antimicrobial stewardship
- Providing data resources for researchers, horse owners and others
Developing EVSNET
The initial development of EVSNET will involve the following steps:
- Developing methods and materials for owner consent.
- Establishing networks and working closely with equine practices and laboratories.
- Developing a system for recording the syndrome or main presenting compliant for equine veterinary visits to supplement the electronic health records.
- Liaising with veterinary Practice Management Systems (PMS's) to integrate EVSNET software allowing for data collection.
We will also establish methods of feedback/benchmarking to collaborative equine practitioners. We aim to develop processes for data access and sharing to allow researchers, veterinary surgeons, equine health professional and owners to access and use anonymised data for the benefit of equine health and welfare. Benchmarking and clinical data research provides a tangible benefit to UK veterinary practice. In recognition of this, the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme awards points to practices that contribute clinical data to EVSNET.

I believe this progressive equine surveillance system will be a powerful tool which is directly relevant to equine practice and it has the potential to truly impact equine health and welfare in a positive and meaningful way.
Dr April Lawson BSc BVSc CertAVP MSc AFHEA MRCVS. EVSNET Postgraduate Researcher