Writing Short Fiction with Bernadette McBride

Writing Short Fiction with Bernadette McBride

11:30am - 1:30pm / Sunday 10th October 2021 / Venue: Central Teaching Hub
Type: Other / Category: University / Series: Liverpool Literary Festival
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Join writer and creative practitioner Bernadette McBride for her talk on writing short fiction. Learn more about the art of writing short stories and hear about Bernadette's own writing process.

A PhD candidate in Creative Writing at the University of Liverpool, Bernadette’s short story For the Man who Died in the Wood was shortlisted for the UK's biggest unpublished writing prize, the Manchester Fiction Prize, in 2020. Her work has appeared in several anthologies and she co-edited the anthology A Spray of Hope (University of Liverpool, 2020).

She has delivered creative writing initiatives for the University, including a course for The Great Read competition and Writing for Wellbeing for keyworkers across the UK during the first lockdown, through the University's English department.

Bernadette teaches on several creative writing modules within the University's English department and won the Liverpool Guild 2019 award for ‘The Biggest Impact on the City of Liverpool’ for her creative writing workshops.

Suitable for all levels.

A book signing with the author will be available through the festival bookseller, Blackwell's following the event.

This event is in person