Abercromby Square

Minimising the opportunities for collusion in language assessments

3:30pm - 4:30pm / Friday 16th July 2021
Type: Workshop / Category: Department / Series: Centre of Teaching Excellence for Language Learning
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Minimising the opportunities for collusion in language assessments through coursework design

Collaborating with and seeking clarification from more proficient speakers and peers are useful learning strategies for every language learner. Yet, for assessed work, the same behaviours can give students unfair advantages and are therefore classified as academic misconduct. In this workshop we aim to explore the blurred line between collaboration as a welcome language learning strategy on the one hand and collusion on the other.
We will address the following questions:
• Which coursework designs worked well in the past, which designs ‘invited’ collusion?
• What roles can authentic assessment and a developmental component play in avoiding collusion?
• How can we communicate the difference between learning strategy and collusion in our teaching and guidance?