Pondering on Paratext - Part 2
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Each seminar will feature two speakers, take place via Zoom, and last no longer than 90 minutes. There will be an opportunity for some discussion and Q&A following the presenters’ talks. Registration is via Eventbrite, with the link to the online meeting delivered on the day of the seminar.
17 March, Wednesday 2.30-4pm (GMT) - Speakers: Dr Hazel Wilkinson and Dr Karen McAulay
Dr Hazel Wilkinson is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Birmingham. She is the Principal Investigator on the pioneering AHRC funded project ‘Compositor: Recovering the Grammar of Ornament’, which developed an image-based database of eighteenth-century printer’s ornaments. Her prize-winning first monograph examined eighteenth-century editions of the works of Edmund Spenser (Edmund Spenser and the Eighteenth-Century Book, Cambridge, 2017), and she is currently co-editing a volume of the Oxford Edition of the Writings of Alexander Pope.
Dr Karen McAulay is a Performing Arts Librarian at the Royal Conservatoire Scotland, expertly combining the three roles of librarian, musicologist and educationalist. Her first monograph, Our Ancient National Airs: Scottish Song Collecting from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Era (Taylor and Francis, 2013), traced the complex history of Scottish song collection and music publication whilst offering innovative insights into the paratext of eighteenth-century songbooks. In 2019 she also co-founded the Eighteenth-Century Paratext Research Network.
Registration is via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pondering-on-paratext-seminar-2-tickets-138040237065?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch